Their First Story – Updated!!












First of all, my apologies for writing this anonymously. I am writing on behalf of at least 10 victims of Tim Behm and Aaron Krause and their wives/daughters, Cathy Behm, Kristi Krause, Kari Behm and Katie Behm. We know that you are either friends or relatives and probably wonder where their apparent “wealth” comes from. You’ve seen them on cruises, trips, boats, luxury cars, flying back and forth between Peoria and Florida, Cubs games, concerts, VIP seating at Orlando Magic basketball games, buying businesses, etc. How about the house in Florida? It’s all pretty impressive, isn’t it? Don’t you wish you could live like they do? Well, don’t be impressed just yet.

Did you know…. that Florida house isn’t theirs? It’s a RENTAL home owned by two ladies that live out of the state that rent to Tim Behm and Aaron Krause and their wives/daughters, Cathy Behm, Kristi Krause, Kari Behm and Katie Behm plus 6 kids. They ALL lived in that house together. Lived. As in past tense.


This is the address for the house they said they owed. Katie said they will still be going to “their home in Florida”  which will be their vacation home from now on. Pay attention, The house doesn’t belong to them. Here is the public record and showing the real owners. Now that they robbed a lot of people in Florida and FLED to Illinois right before the winter, they won’t come back here. Specially when they have arrest warranties in their names (which is going to be very soon)

Don’t you wonder what they do for a living to afford the lifestyle they have? How are they SO successful? Where does all this wealth comes from? I believe Theft and Fraud, and the following is my belief that in time will be proven in civil and criminal court in more detail. So, all the money and glamour and trips and cars and vacations? The money used to fund that lifestyle belong to hard working honest people that they stole from – like myself. Some of these victims, myself included, are going through really difficult financial time due to this theft. Their short passage through Florida ripped out at least 35 victims (according one of McCahill’s employee) and we have no idea how much money they were able to steal. One thing is for sure, they already spent most of it on their lavish lifestyle. Who would steal from an elderly widow of a US Navy Fighter? Tim Behm and Aaron Krause did and even Cathy, Kristi and Katie are involved. Kari might be, but we have no proof of that. Yet.


Tim Behm opened Boardwalk Contracting in Florida in 2017, after he suddenly moved his family there from Peoria. But Kari Behm is listed as a manager of this company. Why would you put your daughter’s name on a company you are operating in Florida? This is the only daughter he has who seems to be doing something with her life and he uses HER name on a company that she has nothing to do with? Hmmm…  However, once the complaints against Boardwalk started rolling in, Boardwalk shut down in 2018. As of now, Boardwalk is being sued by a victim in Florida and Kari is named in the lawsuit and it has been investigated by the DBPR. We wonder if she even knows her Dad did this to her. You can read the complaint on the Orange County website:


Before shutting down, Boardwalk was a subcontractor for a contracting company named Brick by Brick. We believe Boardwalk managed the profile for Brick by Brick on because the phone number on that profile was answered by Kristi Krause, Aaron’s wife. Did Brick by Brick even know they had Kristi’s number on that site instead of the company number? By doing that, all HomeAdvisor calls for Brick by Brick were diverted to Kristi who would schedule an appointment for Tim and Aaron, thereby cutting out Brick by Brick. Clever, huh? Tim or Aaron would meet with the homeowner, discuss the scope of work, and tell the homeowner everything they wanted to hear. They would present an estimate of the cost so great that the homeowner would think they were lucky to find these people. Then they would sign contracts and ask for a deposit THAT DAY and schedule future deposits. They would do a minimal amount of work until the second deposit was due, get THAT payment, and then disappear. Sometimes they would even change their numbers. Tim Behm would say he changed his phone number because he was getting too many telemarketing calls about an extended warranty. No. He was getting too many calls from victims wanting the job done or their money back! Soon enough the victim would realize none of these things would happen, not the job, neither the money. The money was gone…


In the picture above, the “family” appears to be representing Brick by Brick at a Orlando Trade Show. They are not and never were employees of Brick by Brick, nor are they owners of Brick by Brick. They are using Brick by Brick as a front to steal from homeowners. They are really good at pretending to be what they’re not. Notice Cathy and Kristi front and center.


Below is an actual review that was filed on by a couple that was defrauded by Tim and Aaron while they were operating as Boardwalk Contracting. This was posted October 17, 2018. Boardwalk shut down shortly after this. We were able to copy these reviews before Home Advisor take down their page and profile because of the number of complaints. We are in the process of obtaining the contacts of other victims from Home advisor so the number of us will grow.

“Large renovation work on our home started in January 2018 with asbestos abatement to tear out water damaged ceilings and water damaged bedroom wall created by bad roofing contractor, Premiere Roofing & Carpentry. The asbestos abatement and new HVAC system were separate work of General Contractor Brick by Brick Solutions, LLC. The sales representative for Brick, Aaron Krause, stole $52,000 from us and gave money to his father-in-law, an unlicensed contractor Timothy Behm, who deposited funds into Boardwalk Contracting, LLC checking account. Home Advisor contact telephone for Brick was answered by wife of Aaron Krause of Boardwalk Contracting, Kristi. Krause represented Boardwalk as an authorized business to negotiate the contract we signed and accept our money using Brick’s general contracting license. The problem has been referred to the DBPR who has issued a cease and desist to Boardwalk Contracting, owner Timothy Behm. The DBPR is working to refer the matter to the Orange County Criminal Division of the States Attorney’s office.

We believed that Brick had no knowledge of Krause taking our money (…) We have been living without a kitchen and unfinished work to guest bath. Because there was no portalet on site, we allowed workers to use our toilets. After demo of the guest bath, floor tile and toilet reinstalled to accommodate workers. Brick worked with us to get as much done with our budget and helped pay for some hotel costs during times we could not live here. At the end of the day we paid Brick $71,994; Fabiola Meneses furnished an incomplete accounting and has not worked with us to reconcile the amount we contend Brick overcharged us. 
After doing some financing to make up for the $52,000 loss, we now have kitchen cabinets installed and awaiting countertops and plumbing, work scheduled for next week. Hopefully, the electrical contractor will respond to finish up work in kitchen and finish some other items that need attention.”

You don’t need to believe US, go to the website and read the review yourself:

See that this review is from OCTOBER 17TH 2018!!

Tim and Aaron stole $52,000 from this couple. Brick by Brick tried to settle with the victims in this instance but Brick by Brick didn’t steal from them, Tim and Aaron did. You can see from the review Brick by Brick was trying to finish their job because a law suit would come upon them not the real thieves Tim and Aaron. Tim and Aaron were gone and Boardwalk was closed.

Steven and Marjorie Holt are FURIOUS and they have filed a lawsuit against Boardwalk Contracting, Tim, Aaron and Kari, Tim’s daughter. What FATHER involves his daughter in a scam and ruins HER credit? This will show up on a background check for the rest of her life as a judgment or lien against her once it’s resolved. You can read the whole story on the PDF. It’s public domain. We are not lying neither this couple. Go to the website and click on Complaint. Open the PDF and read it.




Now that they couldn’t hide behind Boardwalk Contracting OR Brick by Brick, they devised a different way to use a contractor’s license without being discovered so quickly. They found a licensed contractor who lives far away from them and who had no jobs in Orlando. There was very little chance that this builder would come to any of the jobs and by the time the complaints roll in and he’s onto them, they would have filled their pockets and could change numbers again. Enter McCahill Contracting Inc., a company from Live Oak owned by a man named Jesse McCahill. Below you can see Tim and Aaron’s business cards with Jesse’s license number on it. These business cards were used to mislead new victims into thinking Tim and Aaron were licensed. They never were employees of McCahill Contracting, only subcontractors, yet these cards make it appear as though they are McCahill employees.

These are business cards that they gave to us!

They were back to their old tricks in no time. But they REALLY turned up the heat this round, stealing even MORE money, which explains the extravagant lifestyle they flashed all over Facebook in the early part of 2019. Little did their Facebook friends know they were using other people’s money to enjoy all these perks.

One of the next victim, Mr. David Alex Howell, met with Tim and signed a contract for a home renovation carport conversion and gave them a $25,000 deposit in February & March of 2019. A month goes by, nothing from Tim or Aaron. They said the permits had not arrived. Once Mr. Howell goes to the city and discovered that no permits were filed and McCahill never put a single permit in the city of Orlando he knew they were scammed. Tim would not return phone calls, he’s not answering emails either. Their lawyer sends McCahill a letter, still no results. They are gone with his $25,000. He has also filed a lawsuit in Florida you can read all the details in the complaint.  Shortly after being sued, Tim fled to Peoria leaving his family behind in Florida to avoid being served the paperwork. Aaron and family wouldn’t answer the door when the process server attempted to serve them. The process server reports that he could hear people inside talking and laughing but no one would answer the door. Well, they knew…

If you’d like to read the actual lawsuits, click on the link below to go to the Orange County Clerk’s website, click “Records search”, and in the name field, type Tim and last name Behm, then click on the box that you are not a robot. You’ll see both cases and can read the complaints. It is the same SCAM they did to the Holts.

You’ll notice Tim and Aaron haven’t filed any answers in these complaints as it doesn’t appear that they’ve been served.

Read the complain and you will see that what they did to the Holts under Boardwalk and Brick By Brick they did again to Mr. Howell under McCahill Contracting. How can this be a lie? The same way with 2 different people that doesn’t know each other?

Now that they are being called out for their theft using McCahill Contracting’s license, they came up with a way to keep McCahill’s name in a sneaky way. They started a Facebook Business Page called McCahill Contracting LLC which sounds like McCahill Contracting Inc., but is an LLC instead of INC. They were hoping no one would notice that small difference. That Facebook page has since been removed and the website they started claiming that THEY were McCahill Contracting LLC has also been shut down, because as clever as they thought they were, people DID notice that they were copying McCahill’s information and passing it off as their own. Kristi is even claiming to be a bathroom designer for McCahill!


In these printscreens you can see that google finds McCahill LLC but once you click a message appear “this content isn’t available right now”. They shut down the Facebook page.

This phone number has been disconected as well

Here you can see how McCahill Contracting Inc (that belongs to Jesse) Home Advisor profile looked like.



See that the phone number is the same as the one in the previous picture but the company is LLC instead of INC? I’ll put it again for you.


Anyone that call McCahill “INC” would be answered by Kristy Krause from McCahill LLC – thinking they were talking to the original company, people were schedule to talk to Tim and Aaron not knowing what would happen to them. They would schedule a visit and Kristi would book that.


Kristi Krause
Hey Kristi Are you answering the phone for Boardwalk, Brick by Brick or McCahill?

The company even have a badge of Screened and Approved based on the number of the good reviews posted on their profile. We will talk about that.

Meanwhile they brag their success on their social media showing their wealth…

Fast forward to the summer of 2019 and Tim is doing business in PEORIA as McCahill Contracting. He has been contracted to do renovations at the Villa Bordeaux Apartment Complex under the McCahill’s name. And   for the record, Tim does NOT own Villa Bordeaux, although he seems to be telling people that he does, and people are actually believing this.

You can easily go to the Peoria County property records website and see that a company bought Villa Bordeaux for over $3 million dollars earlier this year. It clearly wasn’t Tim Behm. His role at Villa Bordeaux is simply a contractor that somehow wormed his way into a contract there with unsuspecting owners, likely by bidding very low. We were able to find the owner’s contact and his lawyer and we sent all the information we have been collecting about Tim, Aaron and McCahill LLC to those owners for them to know Tim’s history before he bilks THEM out of a substantial amount of money.

Meanwhile, Jesse McCahill and his brother, who is a lawyer, know about the scheme and are filing criminal charges against Tim and Aaron. One of his employee, Jason told us that there are thirty-five people in the Orlando area that have fallen victim to this scam being run by Tim and Aaron and their wives/daughters. Some are in the process of filing lawsuits while some feel they will never see any of the money they lost because it’s been partied away and spent on trips, cruises, boats, cars, trucks, Disney, basketball games, businesses, etc. Some would have to spend the same amount in lawyer’s fee to sue them.


And remember the elderly widow they stole from? Well, she paid them $115,000. Yes, you read that right. ONE HUNDRED AND FIFTEEN THOUSAND DOLLARS.  Some work was done but her condo renovations came to an abrupt end because the workers said they didn’t get paid by Tim and Aaron and walked out on the job. She doesn’t have the money to finish the condo and doesn’t have the money it costs to sue them and hunt them down. She was a perfect victim for them. They took her life savings and left her without a place to live comfortably. She requires medical assistance and needed to be close to her daughter, but Tim and Aaron didn’t care and now this family is in shambles, with no money to fix her condo. So Tim and Aaron not only stole from her in this case, but also left workers unpaid. There’s NOTHING that is too low for them. This lady asked us to not put her name on this statement.

Around the time Tim and Aaron took $115,000 from the elderly lady above, Tim provided his daughter Katie with a check so that she could open an Extreme Body Shaping franchise in Orlando. The timing is relevant because this was when Katie LOST the weight loss competition and her father announced that Katie would be opening a franchise in Orlando, with the money her father was giving her. This was January 2019 according to their social media. As of October, 2019, no such gym has been opened, although as recently as August, Katie was still commenting that she was the President of this invisible gym. People we have spoken to in their inner circle are sure that the gym will never open and don’t believe it was ever going to open.  Oh and Mr. Lance Farrell, the man pictured below accepting the check from Tim and Katie, has been notified about the kind of people he allowing to use HIS name.

Here you see Tim buying a franchise with the money that is not his. Katie will brag about this on her Facebook for weeks and this GYM never opened


  How many more people are they defrauding right now? We (the 10 of us) don’t know, but new reviews seem to keep showing up. Look at these reviews on Home Advisor:


Now look at the 5 star reviews this company has. Notice that ALL were written on the same day! Hmmmm, we wonder who wrote these? It’s laughable and very obvious that the same person wrote them all. We have 10 good reviews. Is it also a coincidence that Home Advisor requires 10 good reviews to get a Home Advisor TOP RATED Badge?? I thought it was funny that the person who wrote all these reviews, did it in the same day not even taking the time to do it in different days. Or even to write something more substantial on them. Doesn’t it look like it was done in a rush?



Look at the last review is from Alex H. on Home advisor. We believe this is the one they took 25k. You can see here that after 90 days, nothing had been done. David Howell told us they talked to McCahill Inc people but at that time, a guy named Jason didn’t believe him.


These reviews are no longer on Home Advisor, but they will stay forever here for anyone who google their names to see what kind of people they are. Did you see in the first review that they even went inside the victims houses?

All the above are REAL reviews. We believe that the A.K. mentioned above is Aaron Krause because this was a review posted on McCahill’s Home Advisor page and Aaron Krause is part of the scheme. It would be too coincidental that someone uses the A.K. to refer to another person that took their money. 

We don’t know the extent of Cathy, Katie and Kari’s involvement or how much they know. Kristi is involved as she answers the phone for McCahill and helps with the lies that they are telling people, we have proof of that. Cathy is likely involved as she is married to Tim and would see their financial situation improving drastically and wonder how that could be when Tim is dodging complaints left and right and changing his phone number. She has to be questioning why they suddenly had to move, why can’t they answer the door, why do their phone numbers keep changing, why are they getting letters in the mail, why why why? Where is all this money coming from if they are not going to work every day? She knows he’s stealing, just like Kristi knows because she’s fielding the angry phone calls.

Katie actually was with Aaron when they stole the money from one of the victims and went STRAIGHT TO THE BANK with the check – never again to return or answer any calls or emails. Katie is also tangled in this. This was July 31st, 2019 and the check was for $8,000. According to this victim, the BBB (Better Business Bureau), has had five complaints in August against Tim and Aaron totaling OVER $125,000. This is just in August of 2019. Not all the victims have resources to file complaints or to hire legal representation to sue Tim, Aaron and his family.

Did you find it strange that Katie sent her small children back to Illinois and she continued to live in Florida? Her children started school while she was hanging out with Aaron and Kristi and pursuing her “career”. Isn’t it strange that Kristi and Katie post a video announcing to the world that they’re going to beauty school and acted like kindergartners by displaying the childish poster boards showing how old they are and what their favorite colors are, and then asking the public’s help in naming their future Beauty Bar? They attend “school” for what, five weeks? And then they’re ALL back in Peoria, without a mention of the schooling and Beauty Bar and the imaginary gym Katie’s going to open. No more beauty bar. No more gym that would be opened by the end of September. Why do people suddenly and without explanation leave their Florida life with the inside pool and weekly trips to Disney? They’re on the run. Ask Katie about the gym. Ask her and Kristi about the beauty school plans.  What about the beauty bar? Why is Katie now working out in someone’s garage instead of Farrell’s – the place that she gave a large deposit to? Why is Katie now power washing people’s houses? That’s not living their best life, is it?

So far we have these victims by initials you read only in this document:

 – SH

– DH

– JM

– LM

– JR

– AM

– MD

– JW

– RS

– ME


There are two more so far but we are confident that we will gather all 35 and we go to the media. Actually, I forgot to mention. Each one of us received a call from DBPR’s investigator. The investigator heard each one of us tell about McCahill, Tim and Aaron (also Kristi and Katie). The investigator told us they also talked to Jesse, McCahill’s owner and he told the whole story. He is the one that told the investigator he has 35 complains from 35 different people. He passed all the contact info to the investigator who is calling everyone. Things are getting hot to these crooks.

Records on Tim & Cathy Behm

There’s more about Tim and Cathy. It looks like he has been doing this to people for at least a decade. There are also bankruptcies filed by him along with many judgements and liens. These are all PUBLIC RECORDS. Visit Peoria County clerk public records to see what he and Cathy have been up to. She’s no angel either, as she has been arrested for shoplifting (see mugshot below).

And for even more fun, go to the Peoria County tax website and type in Cathy or Tim Behm. They own very low end properties. Some are titled in their names, some are in his Mom’s name, he has Kristi on a few of them, but almost ALL of them are behind in property taxes. According to our rough calculations, he and Cathy are in debt to Peoria County to the tune of over $44,000 in back taxes. FORTY FOUR THOUSAND DOLLARS. You’d think instead of paying for Katie’s imaginary gym, he would take his stolen money and pay off his taxes before he loses those houses. But that’s not really brag worthy, is it? And the Behm’s/Krause’s are ALL about bragging and showing what they have, which is really just an attempt to make everyone else jealous of them, that’s really all it is. They give the illusion that they have the perfect life and the perfect family and the perfect love for each other. They even have people commenting about how great their lives are and how great their relationships are. It sure seems to us to be ALL FAKE. It’s part of their “be jealous of us” image. We are not jealous, in fact, they are the last people we’d want to be. Don’t believe everything you see on Facebook, most of Katie’s pictures are poorly photoshopped anyway. The stress has to be eating them alive, trying to pretend to be “living their best life” and being “blessed” when in reality they are running as fast as they can and the victims and law enforcement are hot on their trails. One of the victims has opened a case with the attorney general and the FBI may be getting involved.

We believe they are thieves of the worst kind because they take from people that can’t afford to lose the money. Shame on them and we hope that all the victims and reporters we’ve talked to bring these people down and they have to pay back every dime they’ve taken. Stop posting selfies and get jobs so you can pay back your debts!

We were amazed of the amount of complaints and judgements we found on Tim




We know you are reading this. You are the ones that stole money from all of us honest, hard working people. For some of us – that money was our life savings. How in the world are you not ashamed?? We are watching you all. We contacted the TRUE owners with all the information, links and victims’ telephone numbers so they can find out everything about you and your scams. While you are spending our money on cruises, trips, restaurants and new businesses, we are working to expose all of you to the public.

This is just the beginning. We will see your faces on the news.What legacy are you going to leave to your grandchildren? Are you going to bring them into your lifestyle? Have you thought about what it is going to happen to these innocent children if you all are incarcerated? What kind of scars these children will carry for the rest of their lives? Have you doomed them to repeat your circle?



For the people who are reading this we want to let you know that this is not about revenge but about justice. We trusted Tim and Aaron when they came to our job sites and even to our homes. They lied to us and they robbed us. Several of us are still in financial trouble because of them. Some don’t think we will ever recover any money at all. Some don’t have the resources to sue them. However, together we will work to expose this family and all the harm they did to dozens of people here in Florida. Maybe we won’t be fully compensated, but we will make every effort to stop them from stealing from another family or another elderly woman.

Everything that we have written can be corroborated by visiting the websites for each agency and reading the reviews written by LEGITIMATE consumers.

Public records show a lien of over $11,000 that Cathy owes for failure to pay sales tax which may be related to Big Behm’s Bar that suddenly shut down. Then they fled to Florida. See the pattern?

Click on Jail Records and type Catherine Behm
On the right side there’s the mugshot (so she won’t be able to say it is photoshopped anymore)

Tim’s mugshot is not Photoshopped like they said. Check it out here 

What a couple!

The others involved are Aaron Krause, Kristy Krause and Katie Behm (Katie was with Aaron when they took that check from the older couple and went straight to the bank. She knows they didn’t do anything on their house). And now that they filled their pockets they are back in Peoria.

They will say this blog and this post is based on jealousy. They will say it is a lie. But the Orange County Clerk of Courts is not lying about the law suites they have. THEIR NAMES ARE IN THOSE COMPLAINTS. And if you read it you will see they did the same thing to these two people that are suing them. Even if we wanted we wouldn’t to be able to fabricate all these facts and evidences. Judge for yourself.

To be continued…


Are you also a victim of Tim, Aaron and his family? Please leave a comment below and how to get a hold of you. We will help you to fight for justice as well! All comments must be approved by us before getting to the public. If you don’t want your information to the public, write it in the comment. We will read it but we will not publish. Click on the icon on the bottom left hand side of this page to comment. We will protect your identity or you can comment as anonymous.


If you are friends or family of these people we are sorry for you. But put yourself in our shoes. We lost money we saved for years, some of us, their entire life savings. We are not lying, we just want justice.

Come back soon as we will have news…



67 thoughts on “Their First Story – Updated!!”

  1. If you look at the Orange County website and go to the complaint that’s been filed against Kari, Tim and Aaron along with their company, Boardwalk, you’ll see that the private process server filed a paper with the court stating that he made many many attempts to serve them with the paperwork at their Florida house and could hear kids inside and adults laughing and nobody would open the door, even the kids told them to “go away”. He noted the license plates of the cars at the house, one was BigBehm, which is Tim’s truck. So if anyone who reads this still believes that they’re not ALL in on it, you’re a fool and you won’t see what the FACTS are. This entire family stole other people’s money and then teach heir kids to scream “go away” to the process server who is trying to get them into court to explain what they did with other people’s money. What if it was YOUR mom they stole $115,000 from? How would you feel about them then? TEN TIMES he tried to serve them…

    10/19/19 11:41 am Attempted service at 2804 LaFayette Place St Cloud FL 34772 no answer at the door (BECAUSE THEY’RE ALL BACK IN PEORIA NOW!)

    10/16/19 8:00 am Attempted service no answer at the door (THEY FLED BY THEN)

    9/30/19 8:20 pm Attempted service lights on and some of the vehicles present, noise from inside but no answer at the door

    8/1/19 7:26 am Attempted service same vehicles present, noise inside, but no answer at the door

    7/29/19 9:59 am Attempted service no answer at the door, An adult could be heard talking and there were children playing and laughing and telling the affiant to leave. The same vehicles were present plus another vehicle, IL tag#: Q11 3921

    7/27/19 8:11 am Attempted service no answer at the door

    7/17/19 7:41 pm Attempted service lights on people at home are refusing to answer door.

    7/13/19 12:10 pm Attempted service, same vehicles previously reported but no answer.

    7/10/19 6:04 pm Attempted service same vehicles present, movement inside but no answer

    7/8/19 11:01 am Attempted service No answer at the door, dog barking inside,someone was inside the home, three vehicles: BIG BEHM, 1670272, 2699007

    1. Oh my…what impresses me the most is the kids saying go away…what are they teaching these kids? To be criminals like themselves? This is sad, really sad…

  2. That’s exactly what they did to me!! They came to my job site all polite, with a little book saying they were an awarded company. Told me everything I wanted to hear, including that I could finance if I needed. They got the deposit and they left. We never heard of them. We tried to call McCahill company but they didn’t believe us. We lost a lot of money. No wonder they left Florida in a hurry! But things will catch up with them! Thieves! Liars! Bunch of assholes!
    When I think about Tim and Aaron’s smile while we were talking to them, I can’t believe they were lying and plotting on taking our money. I could never do this to a person.

  3. And Cathy claims she’s an open book (her words). Ok Cathy, Miss Open Book, please explain to all of us, why didn’t you open the door to the process server one of the TEN times he came to the door? And also, can you explain to us why MULTIPLE people claim that Tim and Aaron and Katie took checks from them intended as down payments on work to be done, and then disappeared? If you want to make us believe you, then make us believe you. Don’t just scream “it’s a stalker.” Tell us why all of these people claim your family took their money and ran. And finally, tell us why you all returned to Illinois so abruptly and with no explanation. Life in Florida was sooooooooo good, remember? There’s your homework, Miss Open Book, tell us the answers to those questions.

    1. They took my check.
      You know, people just don’t seem to pay attention any more -security cameras positioned right over their shoulders recoding non-stop, focusing in on a pretty blonde and a shifty liar. Funny how some can think they’re so cagey but be so oblivious.

      Wonder if they took their boat, the KRAUSee to Illinois. You can buy a lot of fuel with other people’s money.

      1. focusing in on a pretty fake blonde – fake hair, fake lashes, fake nails…. why would she have even been with him that day? That might have raised a red flag for me, like why would a contractor bring this trashy woman with him? What was her role other than cashing the check?

  4. I hope the all go to jail. We know this family is up to now good. Their stories are so spectacular but hard to believe…now it all make sense!

  5. I worked for these people they are my wife’s family! That shit to me they didn’t pay me they owe me . I started to watch them they spent so much money and I new something wasn’t right! So I left if you need any info I have some. Lock them up

    1. Do you know they are blaming you for this page? Saying that you and your wife are jealous people and are trying to harm them with all these lies…Unbelievable!

      1. They have to blame someone! They tried to file a lawsuit against me for this page! They also told homeowners I stole money from them… ‍♂️ I was blind when I first started working for them I only lasted a month or so! I feel horrible for all the victims

        1. I hope you’re spreading this blog around to their family! Everyone needs to know what they do to people and that they’re just criminals! US attorneys office should be notified if they haven’t been already.

  6. They’re selling things now – a brand new Coach Ipad cover? Oh no, is Cathy shoplifting again? The money they stole must be running out. And I’d be real cautious about buying a car from his “dealership” because if he bought those cars with money he obtained in a fraudulent way, the feds could come back after those cars as illegally purchased assets and seize them in an attempt to pay back some of the victims.

  7. This family is just weird. Katie’s baby daddy got the two of them a hotel room for her birthday with roses all over and clear indications that it’s supposed to be. a romantic getaway at an extended stay hotel. What does Katie do? She brings her parents and sister and brother in law in that room and of course they take pictures to show how in love they all are with each other. Shouldn’t that have been private time with her and BD? Wonder what baby daddy thought of that? He was probably too worried about losing an eye when she busted clean out of that dress. Oh Katie Katie KATIE! Girl you looked like a can of biscuits about to explode in that dress!!! That was hard to look at!! But in all fairness she is Tim’s twin. You put a brassy blonde wig on Tim and BAM you have An exact replica of Katie. Or take all those extensions off Katie and BAM you have Tim!

  8. I saw The Shoplifter (Cathy) with the grandmonsters at school and by the way she looks, wow, the stress is getting to her. She looks tired and worn down. Thought she was going to continue to post her fabulous life all over facebook? Not seeing anything anymore. Except pictures of her and her daughters (OF COURSE) and some other women all crowded around Katie hiding her weight gain from the camera by blocking her with shopping bags. Oh how we laughed!! Katie is always hiding behind a big bag or a person now. Not flaunting it anymore Katie? Why don’t you go back to Farrell’s? Oh they probably don’t want anything to do with the Behms anymore, do they? They figured you out and kicked you out.

    1. If you saw her at the school, you obviously go to St. Vincent. Is this your idea of being a Christian? Talking about innocent children and trying to shame someone for their appearance? You have done nothing but trash talk in here. Maybe you should go to confession and ask for forgiveness. Sounds to me like you need to find Jesus.

      1. Fran
        Don’t you think they should find Jesus as well? They came to my house and robbed me and more 34 people here in Florida. How would you feel if someone steals your long time savings and then brag about their wealth on social media? There’s no defense. I am not the one that commented about their appearance or kids, however these adults, these parents stole money from a lot of people. So I think you should go and give them some advice as well. The evidence presented in this site is easily corroborated by all documents. Even though, there are still people defending them! unbelievable…

      2. Fran – this family stole thousands upon thousands of dollars from their victims and you’re concerned that someone May have hurt their feelings talking about their appearance? How about passing around the collection plate at church and take donations to pay back the widow they stole $115,000 from? Let’s see how Christian YOU are. Have you asked them if this is true? Because they’re not defending this as it can’t be defended. Nobody believes the stalker claim. The evidence is irrefutable but you keep believing it’s not true. Maybe they can call you for bail money too since you’re a faithful follower of that clan. Or maybe you’re one of them.

        1. Have they been convicted? Of any crime? At all? And why is it that everyone that comments on here are all anonymous? If you can’t show me where they have been convicted of these alleged crimes then all these are just allegations. And if people just want to talk trash then this is no more than an example of high school drama. If it is as you stated that they had your first site shut down, if everything was truthful how could it be shut down?

          1. Fran
            Because they haven’t been convicted doesn’t mean they didn’t do it. Did you read the reviews from 7 different people? Did you read what they did to them? DId you read the 2 lawsuits? I can’t believe you are not sympathized with these people that worked hard for they money and had it taken from them. I hope this never happens to you. I saved for 2 years for my reno and they take it from me and ran of to Peoria.

          2. Fran – actually they were shut down by the State of Florida while operating Boardwalk Contracting after multiple complaints and ordered to pay fines, so yes, they were found to be guilty of operating as a contractor without a license. That’s just part of it. The theft part is being litigated now but it’s hard to find someone guilty when they leave the state and avoid being served. Did you READ what the process server told the court? They wouldn’t open the door, the boys yelled “go away”. Yet you defend them? And the other site was shut down because they complained it was cyber bullying. Not because of the theft, but because people were commenting on their appearances so they got it shut down on a technicality. Before you scream about their innocence, read the court documents. You can go STRAIGHT to the court website, that can’t be manipulated, and read what multiple people are accusing them of. Read the reviews – there aren’t just one or two, there are MANY people claiming they did the same thing to them. You think that’s a coincidence? Ask them about it. Show them that picture of Katie and Aaron leaving a house with a check in hand, and ask them if they did the work for which they were paid. They didn’t. They take people’s money and promise to fix their houses, then they never return. If those are the people you like to associate with, then God help YOU.

  9. How the HELL do these people get away with not paying property taxes like the rest of us?? I just went and looked at Peoria County’s tax website and yep, MOST of the properties are years behind in property taxes. And to make it WORSE, some of those houses are in his mom’s name but the tax bill is being sent to him, yet he doesn’t pay them. Have you seen the properties they own? They look like they should be demolished. He takes care of the houses about as well as he takes care of paying his bills. They steal from anyone, even his own mother. I sure wish his brothers would band together and stop him from doing this to her. Sell those houses and give Sandy the money because it looks like Tim is collecting the rent from them, not paying the taxes, and putting that tax burden on Sandy. Wow, Wow, Wow……

  10. I would love to know how two young people who never seem to work, not a ligit job anyway….. “lets play beautician “ ….. and he begs to power wash, they have 2 kids , and they are going to Florida to “swim with the dolphins” well bc … you know Tyler deserves all this praise for finally adulting . Does ANYONE in this family actually EARN OR WORK for their PRIVILEGES ??? They seem to steal from others , play pretend, hide, then hurry and boast about something because they cannot seem to help themselves . Lol their lives are as fake as those damn lashes , photoshopped pictures, extensions, tans , etc etc etc I would love to see one of them do an actual hard days work and see them crumble and cry . It’s disgusting how selfish some people truly are and how they can justify anything ! Stealing hard earned money from people who just wanted to inprove their home or business and her comes the Behm’s ready to TAKE TAKE TAKE . Then RUN RUN RUN !

  11. NOW I know why the thievin’ Behms left Florida. Since two different people have sued them for FRAUD in Florida, they can only be served in Florida! If they run to Illinois, which they did, they can’t be served there. NOW WE ALL KNOW WHY…. and if you think it was to return to their family or open up a ghetto car lot where Tim sits on his fat ass watching TV all day, you’re wrong. They packed up quickly and took off because they don’t want to be served and now, they won’t be. Those poor victims, who have already filed lawsuits in Florida, paid a lawyer, paid court fees, paid that process server OVER and OVER, will now have to do the same thing in Illinois. But we know what fat Timmy and company will do, quickly move to another state, and again, their victims will be out lawyer fees, filing fees, and process server fees. THE BEHMS ARE FREAKIN SCUM OF THE EARTH and anyone that is friends with them is an idiot. We know they stole from their employee who was married to their relative. He doesn’t pay his mom’s property taxes but collects rent from those properties, these people are the WORST kind because they’ll smile in your face and stab you in the back. Yet while people in Florida are trying to scrape together money to finish the jobs they paid Tim and Aaron and Katie and Kristi and Cathy to do, Katie’s in Florida with her baby daddy and from the looks of the video, people may think they’re whale watching when they see her. And they didn’t get vacation money from power washing a few friends houses, this is STILL money Tim and Aaron stole that they shared with the people that know. This is probably hush money. Here Katie, take a vacation with baby daddy and don’t you dare talk to anyone or post anything about what we did in Florida. She’ll be pregnant again soon, 26 and baby #3. Well at least we know she and Kristi have ONE skill, if you call getting pregnant repeatedly a skill….. The federal government is going to take this one over, they’re not fast but believe me, they’ll catch up to them. They defrauded too many people in Florida for this to go unnoticed. It’ll be great because it’ll likely be when they think all the dust has settled and everyone “forgot”. Then here come the big boys with all their evidence in hand and indictments all around. Buh bye all you Big Behms.

  12. Kristi and Katie selling their dresses on facebook and poshmark….lmfao…dresses they bought with STOLEN MONEY?!? YEAH have fun swimming with the dolphins now cause prison doesnt have that there!

    1. Someone should go on her Facebook and deliver a message from us: “Hey Katie, while you’re in Florida, can you please take with you some court papers for your father?”

  13. I happen to know that all the lovey dovey stuff that Cathy posts about her relationship with Tim and him being her best friend and the light of her life and the very reason she draws a breath in the morning…. is all bullshit. They fight ALL. THE.TIME. All those smiles they post for the Facebook world are fake. I don’t think that family knows HOW to be real. And Kristi and Katie being besties? Also fake. Why do you think Keri got the hell away from them all? They are imploding and going at each other even more than before. So don’t believe the smiles and all the over the top shouts of love to each other. None of it is real. I mean c’mon, she says he’s sexy, he says SHE’S sexy…. have you LOOKED at either of them? Her eyebrows look like Katie and Kristi used her as a guinea pig! She may want to use some of that stolen money for cosmetic surgery instead of Disney passes, not saying that will help….

  14. Kristi is married to the man of her dreams. Is this the man that they posted a video of dancing for her in a restaurant and stood over her while she was sitting and rubbed his privates in her face IN FRONT OF A CROWD OF PEOPLE INCLUDING HER OWN PARENTS? That’s her DREAM man? Somebody that worked there came over quickly and told him to stop. But look at all the pictures of Tim groping Cathy that they post! For this family, inappropriate displays of a sexual nature are completely normal. As a female, can you IMAGINE your husband rubbing his privates in your face in a public place with your family looking on? On the cruise before that, Tim was “dancing” and Cathy ran up to him (because she likes to be the center of attention) with a crowd of strangers gathered around, and what does they do? Cathy bends over in front of him and pretends to be having sex with him (I just threw up). And once more, a staff person came over and had to tell them that isn’t acceptable public behavior. With the way they pretend to be so in love and unable to keep their hands off each other, all signs point to NOTHING happening in the bedroom so they have to try to convince everyone around them that their sex life is incredible. I’m guessing limp noodle. They even call the whole herd of Kristi and Katie’s kids “studs” and “hot”. WTF – am I the only one that finds their oversexed posts bizarre?

  15. Please contact me I have known this family since I was a young child and grew up with them in Peoria Illinois. They are awful people who have stolen from my family and the whole community. Please do not publish this but contact me and I will let my families story be heard.

  16. There’s Cathy and Tim again gushing all over each other while displaying all the Christmas gifts they’re so “blessed” to have. Why do they have to post that on facebook, that they are so in love and they are so lucky to have each other and whatever other crap they spew? NO ONE BELIEVES IT!! Wonder if they sent thank you cards to all the people they stole from thanking THEM for the gifts? Do any of the adults work? Other than Tim pretending he’s running a successful car lot when he’s now resorting to 100% financing? Know that what means? He can’t sell anything because his client base has credit scores of 400 so he’s financing the cars for them since no one else will. Soon he’ll be spending all his time trying to repossess those cars which will be trashed. I love karma…

  17. Watch out everyone! Tim and Cathy have a wedding to pay for now so they’ll be sniffing around for new victims! Need your bathroom renovated? Sure! Kristi will “design” it and Tim and Aaron will do the work. Now give us a check for $10,000 and we’ll be back tomorrow!! I promise!! LOL

  18. I know a few of my friends that worked for them down in Florida. They packed there live up to move down there from Illinois. And they never got paid and had to move back.!!! These people are scum! I pray to god they get what’s coming to them. To scam the elderly is absolutely ridiculous. If I was in those people shoes that got scammed. I wouldn’t process server! There door would be kicked in. And there thumbs would be broke!

    1. If you google Tim Behm or Tim Behm and Aaron Krause, this blog shows up first. This thing has blown up and a lot of people are glad it has. They needed to be stopped. As of now, it doesn’t seem that they’re victimizing anyone but that doesn’t erase what they did in Florida. They need to right that wrong and pay back ALL that money.

  19. I just saw that Kari’s getting married, not sure how I missed it since they have to post it a thousand times and tag each other like crazy. LMFAO – Kari beat KATIE to the altar! That’s gotta burn Katie!! You keep waiting for Tyler, I’m sure your “some day” will come! And when it does, I hope someone gives him a really deep cleaning because he always looks like he hasn’t bathed in MONTHS. Does he smell that way too? I feel sorry for Kari, imagine having those two sisters and mom showing up at your wedding. Katie will be wearing next to nothing straight out of Frederick’s of Hollywood’s Plus Size Section and Tim and Cathy and Aaron and Kristi will be dirty dancing in front of Kari’s new family…..

    1. Hello
      Just copy and paste the blog address in your facebook and start telling people to share it. After some days you erase from yours so they can’t reach who started

  20. If Tim ever tries to scam anyone again and they google his name, this blog is going to pop up FIRST. So thank you to whoever started this blog for saving others from being victimized. You have essentially made it almost impossible for Tim and Aaron to fool anyone with access to a computer.

  21. Is there going to be any justice? This makes me sick to my stomach seeing what these people did!!! I hope they get what’s coming and when it’s least expected too!!! If it was me! These victims all need to go in on a suit together!!

    1. Justice is coming. Law enforcement has to be sure they have all the evidence before moving in on them, but it’s coming. The Big Behms seem to think they’ve gotten away with it, but they’re on borrowed time right now. Once the handcuffs are on, they’ll go silent on Facebook because they can’t possibly defend this, they’ve been caught red handed. They got wayyyyy too greedy….. I predict Cathy will file for divorce and claim she knew nothing and that Tim and Aaron manipulated everyone. Kristi will follow suit and divorce Aaron and claim she tried to do right but they just wouldn’t. This bizarre family will turn on each other by the end of the year.

  22. Karma is a mother I don’t feel bad for any of them at all. I know plenty of Tim’s scams and hopefully he gets what he’s got coming to him. This isn’t the first time he’s done this, he screws over his own friends and he’ll continue to do it. Back in the day he had a car lot he did it then to sold nothing but junk cars and never took responsibility for anything. The properties he has in Peoria are junk he sits back, collects rent and sells the tenant nothing but a dream as to when it’ll get done straight up slumlord. Can’t wait to see everything unfold and properties are gone and they lose everything they brag about having. It’s crazy what greedy people will do for money to continue their fake lifestyle.

  23. Katie doesn’t work. Kristi doesn’t work. They have six kids between them. Aaron probably works selling cars because he has the look of a used car salesman. So would someone kindly explain to me how three adults and six children survive on a used car salesman’s wages? Katie HAS to be on public aid which means the theft continues as she is stealing from the tax payer. Why can’t an able bodied woman in her late 20’s work? She sure has time to go to the gym and post pictures of herself doing that. She has time to get her hideous nails done. She has money for nasty hair extensions and a fake tan. Her #2020goal should be to go to work every day like the rest of us and live within her means. Oh, she’s going to be an esti? Ok, let’s say she actually does that. Where do they have money to open a beauty bar? Do they not understand rent and utilities and insurance and supplies and staff and equipment and marketing, and having clientele? Having your mommy come in doesn’t count ladies….. that will be yet ANOTHER Behm flop that they will try to pawn off as a raging success. Who even gets their lashes done anymore? That was so 2018…..

  24. Anything ever going to happen to them for this!!! This is absolutely terrible! Wow took me a good 45 minutes to read on the B.S they did to these people!!! I hope justice is served!!

  25. I’m still waiting for $3,000 owed to me by McCahill Contracting. Jason promised everyone would be paid back by March. Thank goodness the State Attorney General’s office has been staying in contact with me throughout this process. My original complaint and all correspondence thereafter has been forwarded to the Attorney handling this case for the AG’s office.
    Please advise of any updates.

  26. It looks like they are trying to serve Aaron now but these people are really good at avoiding being served. You can’t avoid it forever, especially now that Tim is sitting at that ghetto car lot all day selling lemons to low income people. Just can’t wait to see what they do when they’re served and how they are going to respond to the theft allegations.

    Meanwhile Katie and Kristi are gluing eyelashes on women, LMAO!! And Cathy is so proud of her girls. For using glue and having babies? Because that’s all those two can do.

    And Katie is spilling all her baby daddy drama on facebook hoping someone will say how great of a mom she is. Wonder who’s watching her kids now that school is cancelled. Does she actually have to BE a mother now? And are both of those kids Tyler’s kids or is one Aaron’s?

  27. So Kristi is trying to be Katie and win a Farrell’s competition for $1000.00. She posts about how she’s transformed and she’s waiting for them to announce the winner. Guess what? She LOST!! And this time big Timmy isn’t there with a big fat check to buy her a franchise like he did for Katie, their golden tubby girl. Kristi and Cathy and Aaron are all saying Farrell’s is a joke now because they picked a different winner. Is this family the biggest bunch of sore losers EVER??? And Kristi is saying she lost 7 inches off her waist. And her BMI dropped almost 10 points. Again, not true. But in true Big Behm fashion, if they say it, they think everyone will believe it. You do NOT lose 10 BMI points by losing 20 lbs. Check any BMI calculator. And everyone also knows the only reason Katie ever won that $1000 back like 3 years ago was because she just had a baby and had even more fat than normal on her. Oh and Katie, you should take the time and work on your photoshop skills. They are god awful and so obvious. Why don’t you post a pic WITHOUT a filter and show everyone how “naturally” pretty you are?? LOL!!!

  28. They got SERVED!! Florida is catching up to them. And this is only the civil part of it, the criminal part will be coming next. Notice the Behms aren’t bragging about Key West and weekly visits to Disney and family cruises? Because the money RAN OUT! Hard to party when you have to be the one to pay for it instead of stealing from military widows and other innocent people who give you money to fix their house then you vanish. ALL of them knew what was going on and they all lived like they were super wealthy when all they were was a bunch of crooks. They might all have to get jobs now, and gluing eyelashes on a few women a week doesn’t count. And would somebody PLEASE teach Katie how to photoshop? She tries to make her legs and arms thinner and you can see the blurring on the picture. But it does make for great laughs! Don’t believe the filtered pics you see of her… she looks nothing like that. Show them some unfiltered pics, Katie…

    1. Now what is the family saying? That this is a lie too? So they’ve been served. Of course they won’t answer it, so the next step is that the Holts are going to go after their assets! Can’t wait to see it!

    2. About time !! Something needs to happen to these people !! Have you notice how Katie looks trashy in all her photos what happened to the normal mom photos

    3. She always looks trashy !! What happened to the normal mom photo most don’t prance around wearing skirts and tight dresses chasing kids around

  29. A NEW complaint has been filed against them in Florida by another couple that they stole from. Here are the details of THAT one…

    We (the plaintiff) hired McCahill Contracting (the defendant) to replace our retaining wall and replace the fence around our property.
    We (the plaintiff) met with a representative from McCahill (the defendant) in March of 2010. Then on 3/11/2019 we made the initial payment of $2,636.00.
    On 3/21/2019 the plaintiff received an email from the defendant (Tim) with Fence Details and warranty information and from the defendant. The plaintiff also received an email from the defendant (Aaron) which included the final contract and order confirmation.
    On 3/21/2019 the plaintiff also made the second payment which was later refunded on 3/27/2019 due to the defendant updating their payment system. This payment was made again on 3/29/2019.
    Emails and phone calls were exchanged between these two dates

    On 3/24/2019 the defendant(s) (Tim and Aaron came) came out to the plaintiff’s property to start the project and walk the property with their team building the fence. During this visit the defendant(s) also started some demolition work. The plaintiff also provided the defendant a survey of the property via email.

    After this date, no one from McCahil Contracting, the defendant, ever returned to the property to complete any work.

    On 3/25/2019 the plaintiff(s) were informed that the defendant(s) had applied for permits for the fence.
    On 3/27/2019 the plaintiff(s) confirmed material type for the project.
    On 3/31/2019 the plaintiff(s) emailed the defendant(s) because of a missed call from the defendant(s) (Aaron).
    On 4/1/2019 the plaintiff received a response back from the defendant(s) assuring the plaintiff that all was fine. The plaintiff(s) responded back the same day and asked for a timeline update for supplies and permit completion. the defendant(s) did not respond.. The plaintiff(s) also resent the survey to Aaron at this time.

    On 4/7/2019 the plaintiff(s) sent the defendant(s) an email asking for an update.
    On 4/8/2019 the plaintiff(s) were informed by the defendant(s) that the defendant(s) would call to check on the permit status
    On 4/10/2019 the plaintiff(s) were informed by the defendant(s) the final drawings were complete and that the defendant(s) would pay to expedite the permits.
    Between these dates, the plaintiffs(s) were asked to provide the paperwork again for the permits because it was notarized in all areas.
    On 4/14/2019 the plaintiff(s) sent an email to the defendant(s) letting them know that the needed paperwork was signed notarized. The defendant(s) scheduled to pick up the paperwork on the 15th.
    On 4/23/2019 the plaintiff(s) emailed the defendant(s) asking for updates with no response.
    On 5/5/2019 the plaintiff(s) emailed the defendant(s) asking for updates and the defendant(s) responded back they would check in the morning.
    On 5/22/2019 the plaintiffs were informed by the defendant(s)that the paperwork was once again not filled out correctly and needed to be redone. The plaintiffs asked why the the defendant(s) did not catch this mistake and remedy it prior to sending it to the permit office.
    The new paperwork was picked up by the defendant(s) the last week of May.
    In July, the plaintiff(s) were asked to provide the defendant(s) an updated survey with a high watermark.
    On 7/28/2019 the plaintiff(s) emailed the defendant(s) asking for updates and to provide details for a survey.
    On 7/31/2019 the plaintiff(s) emailed the defendant(s) the survey with the high watermark. On this date the plaintiff(s) also spoke on the phone with the defendant(s) and were informed by the defendant (Aaron) that everything was ready to start as soon as the plaintiff(s) returned from their trip out of the country (8/1/2019-8/15/2019).
    On 8/12/2019 the plaintiff(s) emailed the defendant(s) asking for an update and did not get any response.
    On 8/19/2019 the plaintiff(s) called and emailed the defendant(s) asking for updates.
    On 8/22/2019 the plaintiff(s) emailed asking for updates and informed them that the plaintiff(s) tried to call the defendant(s) multiple times.
    Between these dates, the plaintiff(s) made several other attempts to contact the defendants on multiple lines with no answer or response.
    The last call attempt was made by the plaintiff(s) to the defendant(s) on 8/24/2019. After this no contact was made by the plaintiff(s) or the defendant.

    At this time the work the plaintiff(s) paid for was not completed (no completed retaining wall or fence), and we the plaintiff(s) had to find another provider to complete the work.


  30. Their lawyer filed a response to ONE of the complaints filed against them. Oh there’s a new one lawsuit too! Their lawyer never once says they didn’t do it, instead he says to go after Brick by Brick as Tim and Aaron were sub contractors. Pretty bad when your own lawyer can’t even lie and say you didn’t do it! Log onto the Orange County, FL website to read the latest lawsuit against them from yet ANOTHER couple that they stole from…..

  31. So I see they have “bought” sluggers a sport complex…any idea on how and if they really bought it? Curious who approves these loans If they really did buy it and aren’t pulling another behm scam

    1. Why do you still care? Why are you still talking trash? These are good people…trust me I would know, they have helped me out immensely and I appreciate everything they have done for me. Kyle and Shamekia you need to get over yourselves and stop being jealous. It’s amazing what you can do with your life when you stop hating on others and worry about yourselves. You people are beyond obsessed and need to stop

      1. these are good people?? LMAO! Read the lawsuits – PLURAL – against them. They take money from GOOD people and they piss it away on VIP seating and Disney passes. You’re an idiot if you can’t see that. This isn’t ONE accusation, there are many more filed with the BBB in Florida against them. They have helped you out because they need people in their corner, but don’t turn your back on them. You must either be Michelle Davis or that other chick that sucks their butt all the time. You’ve been scammed too. Read the lawsuits, sweetheart, before proclaiming that they’re good people. What if it was YOUR mom’s money they took?

    1. Farrell’s never happened – do they think everyone forgot about that? They made a big production out of their favorite girl Katie being the youngest farrell’s owner and guess what? Never happened. Rumor has it Farrell’s found out about their history of scams anyway and didn’t want to be associated with them. Know what will fail next? As if it really succeeded at all? The two baby making machines gluing eyelashes on women. That business is bleeding money and they are fighting like crazy because of it. They STILL aren’t licensed estheticians! Why is it that the rules that the rest of us follow don’t apply to them? My friends are guessing that they’ll say they’re closing their lash business so they can focus on this new gym thing that will also die within a year. They can’t make anything stick because they run out of people to steal from. that’s why they went to Florida – fresh blood there – and then quick ran back here once they were caught.



    1. We thought the same thing when they posted pictures of the wedding!!! Kristi is def the pregnant one. Katie is just fat again lol and do you see her filter pics? she looks nothing like that in real life but we laugh our asses off about it.

  33. NEW SCAM ALERT! Now they’ve opened a “gym” and they’re doing a gofundme page to help offset the cost of learning camp for kids. He says every dime will go to the kids. I call bullshit! Watch out folks, Tim and family need more money and they’re coming for you! Please don’t let anyone fall for this latest scam. He has an empire, remember? Why does he need to beg for money? And this gym they’ve opened? Has anyone besides their family members and a few friends even been there? This will fall flat just like the car lot. Remember that one? What happened to your car lot Tim? Money given to this family goes into their pockets. Watch yourself.

  34. Here’s a portion of the complaint filed against Aaron and Tim in Florida. They hired a new lawyer since their last one quit.

    On March 23,2018, in response to the demand letter, Krause and Behm met the Holts at
    the Holt’s residence to try to resolve the issues. Behm stated that he would return $28,000.00 of the $52,000.00 paid by the Holts to Boardwalk but did not have sufficient funds to pay the
    balance. Krause stated that he had taken $27,000.00 for his own use because Brick by Brick
    owed him money, Despite representations from Krause and Behm that they would try to resolve the issue with the Holts, Boardwalk, Krause and Behm never returned the $52,000.00. Other than the removal of some carpet, no work was performed by Boardwalk, Krause or Behm.
    On or about May 5, 2018 the Holts filed a complaint with the State of Florida Department
    of Business and Professional Regulation (“Agency”) to investigate the activities of Boardwalk
    and Timothy Behm. The Agency investigated and brought a complaint against Timothy Allen
    Behm alleging the unlicensed practice of construction and unlicensed electrical contracting.
    The agency and Behm reached a settlement agreement which resulted in a final order whereby
    Behm would pay a fine and investigative costs.


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